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Nicole Lopez

Nicole Lopez
For the Mandala project in Jason’s NMD Animation class, I wanted to emit a simple, calm feeling through use of elementary circles, rounded forms, and whitespace that help describe who I am- relatively laid-back, organized, and (hopefully) unintimidating to name a few.
Morgan Merrick


Morgan Merrick
This redesign was intended to streamline the process of exploring new and unfamiliar travel destinations while improving the overarching visual style." - Morgan Merrick
Rohan Pawar


Rohan Pawar
I wanted to capture the mood of Swiss Army Man with fun illustrations and subtle humor. It was fun to trying to breathe life into a flat illustrative style.
Jaymart Yabo


Jaymart Yabo
My goal for this project was to create a fun, colorful bumper to invite the community to a day of innovation and creativity
Alex Kauffman


Alex Kauffman
Our first project for NMDE 3D was to create an object of our choice. I chose something that is complicated to help really learn Cinema 4D software to give myself a head start.
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